Scraper Cost Calculator Support Vehicle Cost Calculator

Cost to move a yard of material


The calculator contains a combination of variables and formulas. The white cells are the variables you may change. If at any time you would like to reset all the entries in the columns, click the "Clear Column" button. You will see that the calculator asks for different information (and calculates differently) based on your input.

  Clear Column Clear Column
Machines Example Machine Machine 1 Machine 2
Number of Scrapers
Ownership Cost
Years of Ownership
Hours Operated per year 🛈
This is calculated from the number of work days per year times the number of hours per day -- entered further down on the sheet.
Total Ownership Hours
Tractor Purchase Price 🛈
The suggested list price is listed, change to actual purchase price for accurate costs.
Scraper Purchase Price (each) 🛈
The suggested list price is listed, change to actual purchase price for accurate costs.
Total Equipment Cost
Residual Value (%) 🛈
The estimated amount (%) of the purchase price utilized over the years and hours of operation.
Residual Value per hour
Interest % 🛈
The estimated amount of interest on the loan
Interest per hour
Ownership Cost / Hour
Operating Costs
Fuel Consumption gph
Fuel $ per gallon
Fuel $ per hour
PM Services % Fuel 🛈
Percent (%) of the total fuel cost per hour that relates to engine oil, hydraulic oil and filter costs.
PM Services $ hour
Parts $ per hour
Parts $ per year
Labor $ per hour 🛈
Includes salary plus any benefits
Operating costs per hour
Owning & Operating (O&O) Costs
O & O per hour (Tractor&Scraper)
O & O per hour (Support Vehicle) 🛈
Fill out the fields in the Support Vehicle Cost Calculator tab
O & O per hour
Cost per Bank Cubic Yard (BCY)
Travel loaded ft.
Travel MPH (loaded)
Travel empty ft.
Travel MPH (empty)
Travel total feet
Travel Minutes
Load/Unload Time (min.)
Cycle Time (min.) 🛈
Number of minutes per load/unload cycle.
Cycle Efficiency (%) 🛈
Percent (%) of the time the units can continually operate at the speed and cycle time outlined.
Total Capacity (yd³) of Scraper(s)
Loading Efficiency (%)
LCY/hr (loose)
Swell factor % 🛈
Conversion from the compacted measure to bank measure - "shrinkage".
BCY/HR (bank)
Cost per BCY
Work Day
Rate per yard
Work days per year
Days lost (weather, holiday, etc.)
Average work days
Hours per day
Yards Moved
Yards moved per Day
Yards moved per Year
Profit (per Yard)

Support Vehicle Cost Calculator


The calculator contains a combination of variables and formulas. All the white cells are the variables that you may change. If at any time you would like to reset all the entries in the machine column 1 or 2, click the "Clear Column" button. You will see that the calculator asks for different information (and calculates differently) based on your input.

  Clear Column Clear Column
Machines Example Machine Machine 1 Machine 2
Support Vehicle
Ownership Cost
Years of Ownership
Hours Operated per year
Total Ownership Hours
Vehicle Purchase Price 🛈
The suggested list price is listed, change to actual purchase price for accurate costs.
Residual Value (%) 🛈
The estimated amount (%) of the purchase price utilized over the years and hours of operation.
Residual Value per hour
Interest %
Interest per hour
Ownership Cost / Hour
Operating Cost
Fuel Consumption gph
Fuel $ per gallon
Fuel $ per hour
PM Services % Fuel 🛈
Scheduled lube and filter services, by percent of fuel used
PM Services $ per hour 🛈
Calculation by percent of fuel used
Parts $ per hour
Parts $ per year
Wages $ per hour
Operating Cost / hour
Total Owning & Operating Costs per hour
O & O per hour
How many of this one?
Total O & O per hour